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MARCH 15 & 16, 2024

Makeover Dishwashing Place y wega cu e cliente

Makeover Dishwashing Place y wega cu e cliente
Ambiente Nobo: wants to do a makeover of the place where the foundation's clients wash their plates and glasses every day after lunch to make it very attractive.
We ask for the collaboration of volunteers to help us glue tiles, fix the doors of the dishwasher cabinet and paint.

Another job that we need help with is to wash and arrange all the materials that clients use such as plates, glasses, forks, etc.
Also some volunteers who help us do activities with clients and attractive games so that they spend a super happy morning.
Nos team ta desea un makeover di e luga unda nos cliente ta lava nan tayo y glas tur dia. pa haci e luga uno atractivo.
Nos ta pidi coperacion di algun voluntario cu sa pega tegel, como tambe drecha porta di cashi di cushina, verf.
Trabao cu tambe nos mester ayudo di voluntario ta pa laba e bakinan, cups y materialnan cu e cliente ta haci uso di dje tur dia na e centro.
Como tambe algun voluntario pa bin yuda haci actividad of yuda den actividad y weganan cu e cliente.